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Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal Allergies

Allergens, ordinarily harmless substances, can cause an immune response in an individual causing an allergic reaction. These allergens can come in the form of pollen, mold spores, dust mites, pet dander, and more. When an allergen enters the eyes, the lining of the nose or lungs the allergic reaction occurs and symptoms begin to appear. For example, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, commonly known as “hay fever,” include itchy eyes, watery eyes, itchy ears, sneezing, nasal discharge, congestion, headaches, fatigue, sinus infections, and dizziness. Patients that suffer from allergic rhinitis also commonly have asthma. While annoying, environmental allergies can actually have a very negative impact on the quality of life, causing missing work days or family activities.

What causes seasonal allergies?

Allergies are triggered by an overreaction of the body’s immune system in which the immune system mistakes a normally harmless substance, like tree pollen, as a dangerous invader and goes into attack mode. In response to these invaders, which are referred to as allergens, the immune system produces antibodies. When the antibodies find the allergen, the cells of the immune system release a chemical called histamine. It is this histamine release that causes allergy symptoms which can include nasal congestion, itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, hives and skin rash to name a few.

Testing for Environmental & Seasonal Allergies

Health care providers at Coastal Ear, Nose and Throat are now offering state-of-the-art allergy testing and treatment. Allergy testing includes the traditional skin testing, as well as blood allergy testing. Patients may choose between traditional allergy shots or needle-free sublingual immunotherapy that has been used in Europe for years and is gaining wider acceptance in the United States. Services are provided for both adults and children by qualified health care providers. Our physicians are certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology and are trained to treat allergy patients in accordance with the most recent guidelines set by the American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy.