Evening and Saturday Appointments Available!

Exceptional Staff / Technology / Care

Exceptional Staff / Technology / Care

Exceptional Staff / Technology / Care

Skilled Staff and Exceptional Technology

  • Our nurses are trained specifically in ENT procedures so they can anticipate your needs and react quickly.
  • Our Anesthesiologists are highly skilled and experienced. We hand-pick all of our Anesthesiologists based on their level of training and expertise with ENT procedures.
  • Since many of our patients are children, we have Anesthesiologists with vast experience in pediatrics.
  • We use the most advanced technology and equipment, such as high definition monitors and the Fusion ENT Navigation system.

Exceptional Care in a Comfortable Environment

Coastal Surgery Center offers the comforts of home in a surgical environment:

  • Our facility includes one fully-equipped, state-of-the-art operating room so you get undivided attention.
  • We have individual pre and post-operative rooms where patients can spend time with loved ones before and after surgery.
  • Our comfortable waiting room includes beverages, internet access, television and plenty of seating for a family-friendly experience.